Just glass In a fit of decisiveness, Harold concludes the “Is the glass half full or half empty?” debate.
Date not needed The audio for “Date not needed” is featured in this episode ☝️ of the Without a hitch podcast“Key please!” A checkout assistant is calling for the supervisor. I’ve scanned a bottle of wine, and now the red light on top of my self-checkout station is flashing. People are generally
Perceptions: Mouse vs mouse My wife and I perceive mice differently. I see the wee field mouse on the left. She sees the super poisonous rodent demon on the right. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I certainly have more weaknesses than her (I won't list them here; I'm
2:30 The time 2:30 kills me. Two thirty in the afternoon is a point of no return. If something significant hasn't been initiated or isn't underway by 2:29 pm, then the moment that minute ticks over the day is condemned to nonproductivity. Next thing it&
Okay, not okay Okay: Carrying a warm, blue plastic bag of dog poo while walking your dog. Not okay: Carrying a warm, blue plastic bag of dog poo. Note that I mean okay here in the sense that it seems relatively acceptable by society in general. To me it's still a
Sheepish people Yesterday some friends sent us a text asking to borrow our sheep. They had lawn issues. We don't have a sheep, and we don't know where they got this idea—my partner Vic reckons it's because at my most unkempt I look like a
Stamp your mark I recently wrote an article about stamp collecting (comes out early December in Sunday magazine). I have an old collection that my dad and his brother initially put together in the '60s. My talented photographer friend Malcolm Rutherford took some pretty pics of some of the stamps from it.