Things kids announce just as you’re rushing out the door for school at 8:59am

Things kids announce just as you’re rushing out the door for school at 8:59am
  • “I need to go poos.”
  • “I can’t find any socks.” Number of times you’ve guided them towards the socks to this point = approximately a dozen.
  • “I’m hungry.” This, after several breakfasts.
  • “We’re supposed to bring baking for a sale today.” Sure, we’ll just whip up some cupcakes in the next thirty seconds.
  • “I left my shoes outside last night, and now they’re full of water.” Maybe just wear your gumboots, then?
  • “The teacher said I need to return that form.” Form has sat in the bottom of a bag for an entire week to this point, and is three pages long.
  • “I don’t want to wear these gumboots. What about my Crocs?” You can, I guess. It is about 3 degrees outside though.
  • “Isn’t it a teacher-only day today?” Oh.