#44 🔨 Who says it’s a WASTE of time? ⏳
In brief 🩲
- Not all time can be valuable, and it’s probably important to waste some time
- Trying not to waste water might make your hot drinks taste weird
- A teacher who takes students to a waste treatment plant for science certainly must have all the answers
- Maybe video games are a waste of time, or maybe they amount to professional development
The quest for the most valuable time
We do tend to worry about time, particularly about wasting it. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines wasting time as “a bad use of time”, but: Who gets to decide what’s bad? Anxiety about “wasting” time is really excessive wariness of what other people might judge to be a waste. Like: Playing addictive video games, and paying for it in more ways than one. Visiting a sewage treatment plant. Playing fast and loose with the used water inside a hot water bottle. (More on these eclectic scenarios in a moment.)